Display surface snapshots interactively

View surface for a subject or group, overlay brain mask, labels, and statistics.

In [1]:
"""Make static images of lyman results using PySurfer."""
%matplotlib inline
import matplotlib
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

import os
import os.path as op
import sys
import tempfile
import argparse
from textwrap import dedent
from time import sleep

import numpy as np
from scipy import stats
import nibabel as nib
import matplotlib.image as mplimg
from mayavi import mlab
from surfer import Brain, io
import surfer as sf

import moss
import lyman

%gui qt

WARNING:traits.has_traits:DEPRECATED: traits.has_traits.wrapped_class, 'the 'implements' class advisor has been deprecated. Use the 'provides' class decorator.

Adapted from surface_snapshots.py

[-h] [-subjects [SUBJECTS [SUBJECTS ...]]] [-experiment EXPERIMENT] [-altmodel ALTMODEL] [-level {subject,group}] [-regspace {mni,fsaverage,epi}] [-output OUTPUT] [-geometry GEOMETRY] [-nowindow] [-keepopen]

Set up arguments

In [113]:
class Args(object):
    def __init__(self, **kwargs):
args = Args(subjects='~/Experiments/ObjFam/data/subids_subset_no23or19.txt',
            experiment = 'objfam',
            level = 'group', 
            regspace = 'fsaverage',
            geometry = 'inflated',
            output = 'group',
            altmodel = 'studyrep_hpf256')    
#             altmodel = 'morphmem_schacter')

In [114]:
config_opts = dict(background="white", width=600, height=370)

Load data

In [115]:
# Load the lyman data
subjects = lyman.determine_subjects(args.subjects)
project = lyman.gather_project_info()
exp = lyman.gather_experiment_info(args.experiment, args.altmodel)
contrasts = exp["contrast_names"]
z_thresh = exp["cluster_zthresh"]

# Get the full correct name for the experiment
if args.experiment is None:
    exp_name = project["default_exp"]
    exp_name = args.experiment
exp_base = exp_name
if args.altmodel is not None:
    exp_name = "-".join([exp_base, args.altmodel])

In [116]:
# Group-level
# ===========

if args.level == "group":
    temp_base = op.join(project["analysis_dir"], exp_name, args.output,
                        args.regspace, "{contrast}")

    subj = 'fsaverage'
    if args.regspace == "fsaverage":
        sig_thresh = -np.log10(stats.norm.sf(z_thresh))
        sig_thresh = np.round(sig_thresh) * 10
        corr_sign = exp["surf_corr_sign"]
        sig_name = "cache.th%d.%s.sig.masked.mgh" % (sig_thresh, corr_sign)
        stat_temp = op.join(temp_base, "{hemi}/osgm", sig_name)
        mask_temp = op.join(temp_base, "{hemi}/mask.mgh")
        png_temp = op.join(temp_base, "{hemi}/osgm/zstat_threshold.png")
        png_colorbar = op.join(temp_base, "{hemi}/osgm/colorbar.png")
        png_label_temp = op.join(temp_base, "{hemi}/osgm/zstat_threshold_{label}.png")
        png_roi_temp = op.join(temp_base, "{hemi}/osgm/zstat_threshold_{roi}.png")
        stat_temp = op.join(temp_base, "{hemi}.zstat1_threshold.mgz")
        mask_temp = op.join(temp_base, "{hemi}.group_mask.mgz")
        png_temp = op.join(temp_base, "zstat1_threshold_surf.png")
        png_label_temp = op.join(temp_base, "zstat_threshold_{label}.png")
        corr_sign = "pos"

In [117]:


Define some helper functions

In [7]:
def plot_colorbar(zthresh, zmax, cmap, filepath):

    fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10,.3))

    cbar_height = 1
    cbar_ax = fig.add_axes([.3, .01, .4, cbar_height - .01])
    cbar_ax.set(xticks=[], yticks=[])

    bar_data = np.linspace(0, 1, 256).reshape(1, 256)
    cbar_ax.pcolormesh(bar_data, cmap=cmap)

    fig.text(.29, .005 + cbar_height * .5, zthresh,
                  color="black", size=20, ha="right", va="center")
    fig.text(.71, .005 + cbar_height * .5, round(zmax,2),
                  color="black", size=20, ha="left", va="center")

In [8]:
def calculate_sat_point(template, contrast, subj=None):
    """Calculate the point at which the colormap should saturate."""
    data = []
    for hemi in ["lh", "rh"]:
        hemi_file = template.format(contrast=contrast, subj=subj, hemi=hemi)
        hemi_data = nib.load(hemi_file).get_data()
    data = np.concatenate(data)
    return max(3.71, moss.percentiles(data, 98))

In [9]:
def add_mask_overlay(b, mask_file):
    """Gray-out vertices outside of the common-space mask."""
    mask_data = nib.load(mask_file).get_data()

    # Plot the mask
    mask_data = np.logical_not(mask_data.astype(bool)).squeeze()
    if mask_data.any():
        b.add_data(mask_data, min=0, max=10, thresh=.5,
                   colormap="bone", alpha=.6, colorbar=False)

In [35]:
def add_roi_overlay(b, roi_file, thresh, colormap, hemi):
    """Gray-out vertices outside of the common-space mask."""
    reg_file = op.join(os.environ["FREESURFER_HOME"], "average/mni152.register.dat")
    roi_vol = sf.project_volume_data(roi_file, hemi, reg_file)
#     roi_vol = sf.project_volume_data(roi_file, hemi, subject_id='fsaverage')
    # Plot the roi
    if roi_vol.any():
        b.add_data(roi_vol, min=0, max=0.05, thresh=thresh, 
                   colormap=colormap, alpha=0.8, colorbar=False)
#         b.add_contour_overlay(roi_vol, min=0, max=0.05, colormap = colormap, 
#                               n_contours = 5, line_width=2.5, hemi=hemi)
#         b.contour['colorbar'].visible = False
        return roi_vol

In [11]:
def add_stat_overlay(b, stat_file, hemi, thresh, max, sign, sig_to_z=False):
    """Plot a surface-encoded statistical overlay."""
    stat_data = nib.load(stat_file).get_data()

    # Possibly convert -log10(p) images to z stats
    if sig_to_z:
        stat_sign = np.sign(stat_data)
        p_data = 10 ** -np.abs(stat_data)
        z_data = stats.norm.ppf(p_data)
        z_data[np.sign(z_data) != stat_sign] *= -1
        stat_data = z_data

    # Plot the statistical data
    plot_stat = ((sign == "pos" and (stat_data > thresh).any())
                 or (sign == "neg" and (stat_data < -thresh).any())
                 or (sign == "abs" and (np.abs(stat_data) > thresh).any()))

    if plot_stat:
        stat_data = stat_data.squeeze()
#         b.add_overlay(stat_data, min=thresh, max=max, sign=sign, name="stat")
        b.add_data(stat_data, min=thresh, max=max, colormap = 'OrRd_r', 
                   thresh = 1e-5, alpha=.7, colorbar=False)
#         b.add_contour_overlay(stat_data, min=thresh, max=max, colormap = 'OrRd_r',
#                               n_contours = 9, line_width=2, hemi=hemi)
        return stat_data

In [12]:
def plot_contrast(subj, contrast, stat_temp, mask_temp, png_temp,
                  args, z_thresh, sign, viewpoints, hemis, 
                  elevation=None, azimuths=None, 
                  close_window=True, save_fig=True):
    # Calculate where the overlay should saturate
    z_max = calculate_sat_point(stat_temp, contrast, subj)
    # save which should be manual
    if 'manual' in viewpoints:
        manual_index = viewpoints.index('manual')
    # Create image panel
    png_panes = []
    for hemi in hemis:
        # need a manual viewpoint for this hemi?
        if azimuths is not None:
            rot = dict(azimuth=azimuths[hemi], 
            viewpoints[manual_index] = rot
            print viewpoints

        # Initialize the brain object
        b_subj = subj if args.regspace == "epi" else "fsaverage"
        b = Brain(b_subj, hemi, args.geometry,

        # Plot the mask
        mask_file = mask_temp.format(contrast=contrast,
                                     hemi=hemi, subj=subj)
        add_mask_overlay(b, mask_file)

        # Plot the overlay
        stat_file = stat_temp.format(contrast=contrast,
                                     hemi=hemi, subj=subj)
        add_stat_overlay(b, stat_file, hemi, z_thresh, z_max, sign,
                         sig_to_z=args.regspace == "fsaverage")
#         png_panes.append(view_panes(b, sign, hemi, viewpoints))
        montage = b.save_montage(None, order = [viewpoints[0], 'ventral', 'medial'], orientation='v')[0:700,0:393,0:4]
        print montage.shape
        # Close window if requested
        if close_window:
    if save_fig:
        # Stitch the hemisphere pngs together and save
        full_png = np.hstack((png_panes[0], png_panes[1])) #np.concatenate(png_panes, axis=0) #1
        png_file = png_temp.format(contrast=contrast, hemi=hemi, subj=subj)
        print png_file
        mplimg.imsave(png_file, full_png)
        png_file = png_colorbar.format(contrast=contrast, hemi=hemi, subj=subj)
        plot_colorbar(z_thresh, z_max, 'OrRd_r', png_file)
        return png_panes

In [12]:

In [13]:
def view_panes(b, sign, hemi, viewpoints):
    image_panes = []
    for view in viewpoints:
        # Handle the colorbar
        if "stat" in b.overlays:
            show_pos = True
            show_neg = False
            if sign in ("pos", "abs"):
                b.overlays["stat"].pos_bar.visible = show_pos
            if sign in ("neg", "abs"):
                b.overlays["stat"].neg_bar.visible = show_neg

        # Set the view and screenshot
#         b.show_view(view, distance=330)
        if view in ['med', 'ven']:
            b.show_view(view, distance=330)
            b.show_view(view, distance=370)

        sleep(0.2)  # pause for show_view

    # Stitch the images together and return the array
    full_image = np.concatenate(image_panes, axis=0)

    return full_image

In [119]:
def plot_label(subj, label, mask_temp, alpha, color,
                args, viewpoints, hemi, contrast, plot_contrast, b=None):

    for view in viewpoints:
        # Initialize the brain object
        b_subj = subj if args.regspace == "epi" else "fsaverage"
        if b is None:
            b = Brain(b_subj, hemi, args.geometry,

        # Plot the mask
        mask_file = mask_temp.format(contrast=contrast,
                                     hemi=hemi, subj=subj)
        add_mask_overlay(b, mask_file)

        if plot_contrast:
            z_max = calculate_sat_point(stat_temp, contrast, subj)
            stat_file = stat_temp.format(contrast=contrast,
                                         hemi=hemi, subj=subj)
            add_stat_overlay(b, stat_file, hemi,
                             z_thresh, z_max, corr_sign,
                             sig_to_z=args.regspace == "fsaverage")
        # Plot the label
        b.add_label(label, alpha=alpha, color=color, borders=True)
        b.show_view(view, distance=330)
    return b

In [96]:
def plot_roi(subj, roi_file, mask_temp, alpha, thresh, colormap,
             args, viewpoints, hemi, contrast, plot_contrast, b=None):

    for view in viewpoints:
        # Initialize the brain object
        b_subj = subj if args.regspace == "epi" else "fsaverage"
        if b is None:
            b = Brain(b_subj, hemi, args.geometry,
        # Plot the mask
        mask_file = mask_temp.format(contrast=contrast,
                                     hemi=hemi, subj=subj)
        add_mask_overlay(b, mask_file)

        # Plot the roi
        roi_data = add_roi_overlay(b, roi_file, thresh, colormap, hemi)
        if plot_contrast:
            z_max = calculate_sat_point(stat_temp, contrast, subj)
            stat_file = stat_temp.format(contrast=contrast,
                                         hemi=hemi, subj=subj)
            stat_data = add_stat_overlay(b, stat_file, hemi, z_thresh, z_max, corr_sign,
                                         sig_to_z=args.regspace == "fsaverage")
        b.show_view(view, distance=330)

    return b, stat_data, roi_data

Group Analysis

In [90]:


View one hemi for one contrast; interactive window

In [ ]:

In [26]:
contrast = 'hit-miss'
elevation = 82
azimuth = {"lh": -134}
hemi = ["lh"]
# 134 lh, 46 rh (90 degrees +- 44)
viewpoints = ['manual']
plot_contrast(subj, contrast, stat_temp, mask_temp, png_temp,
              args, z_thresh, corr_sign, viewpoints, hemi, 
              elevation=elevation, azimuths=azimuth,
              close_window=False, save_fig=False)

[{'elevation': 82, 'azimuth': -134}]
(700, 393, 4)

Save out multi-paned figure

In [94]:
contrast = 'cr-2_fa'
viewpoints = ['manual', 'ven', 'med']
# viewpoints = ['lat', 'ven', 'med']
azimuths = None
elevation = None

# specify if a viewpoint is 'manual'
elevation = 82
azimuths = {'lh': -134, 'rh': -46}
hemis = ["lh", "rh"]
png_panes = plot_contrast(subj, contrast, stat_temp, mask_temp, png_temp,
              args, z_thresh, corr_sign, 
              viewpoints, hemis, elevation=elevation, azimuths=azimuths)

[{'elevation': 82, 'azimuth': -134}, 'ven', 'med']
(700, 393, 4)
[{'elevation': 82, 'azimuth': -46}, 'ven', 'med']
(700, 393, 4)
TypeError                                 Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-94-b1b4af9fa713> in <module>()
     12               args, z_thresh, corr_sign,
     13               viewpoints, hemis, elevation=elevation, azimuths=azimuths)
---> 14 b.close()

/Users/steph-backup/anaconda/lib/python2.7/site-packages/surfer/viz.pyc in close(self)
   1685             for ci, f in enumerate(ff):
   1686                 if f is not None:
-> 1687                     mlab.close(f)
   1688                     self._figures[ri][ci] = None

/Users/steph-backup/anaconda/lib/python2.7/site-packages/mayavi/tools/figure.pyc in close(scene, all)
    182             engine = registry.find_scene_engine(scene)
    183         else:
--> 184             engine = registry.find_scene_engine(scene.scene)
    185     engine.close_scene(scene)

/Users/steph-backup/anaconda/lib/python2.7/site-packages/mayavi/core/registry.pyc in find_scene_engine(self, scene)
    135                     return engine
    136         else:
--> 137             raise TypeError, "Scene not attached to a mayavi engine."

TypeError: Scene not attached to a mayavi engine.

In [95]:
plt.imshow(np.hstack((png_panes[0], png_panes[1])))

<matplotlib.image.AxesImage at 0x1427fc190>

View ROI labels

In [129]:
label = 'lateraloccipital'
save_file = True
color= 'navy'
alpha = 1
# rot = dict(azimuth=-134, elevation=82)
rot = dict(azimuth=-46, elevation=82)
# rot = 'med'
viewpoints = [rot]
hemi = 'rh'
contrast = 'study_rep'

b = plot_label(subj, label, mask_temp, alpha, color,
           args, viewpoints, hemi, contrast, plot_contrast=True)

if save_file:
    png_file = '/Users/steph-backup/Dropbox/Experiments/ObjFam/study_rep_lo_rh.png'

In [96]:
%matplotlib inline
import seaborn as sns

In [119]:

<matplotlib.text.Text at 0x1ca36b390>

In [104]:
sns.palplot(sns.color_palette('OrRd_r', n_colors = 50))

In [68]:
import seaborn.apionly as sns

In [71]:
x = np.random.rand(30, 30)

In [76]:
sns.heatmap(x, cmap=cmap)

<matplotlib.axes.AxesSubplot at 0x165281850>

View ROI with stat overlay

In [39]:
label = '17Networks_5'; color = 'hotpink'
alpha = .5
# viewpoints = ['lat']
rot = dict(azimuth=-134, elevation=82)
viewpoints = [rot]
hemi = 'lh'
contrast = 'study_rep'

b = plot_label(subj, label, mask_temp, alpha, color,
               args, viewpoints, hemi, contrast, 

label = 'Network5_SPL'
color = 'orange'
b = plot_label(subj, label, mask_temp, alpha, color,
               args, viewpoints, hemi, contrast, 

save_file = False
if save_file:
    png_file = '/Users/steph-backup/Experiments/ObjFam/data/fsaverage/17Networks_5.png'

IOError                                   Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-39-466c5953bd5a> in <module>()
      9 b = plot_label(subj, label, mask_temp, alpha, color,
     10                args, viewpoints, hemi, contrast,
---> 11                plot_contrast=False)
     13 label = 'Network5_SPL'

<ipython-input-38-5ae838975e27> in plot_label(subj, label, mask_temp, alpha, color, args, viewpoints, hemi, contrast, plot_contrast, b)
     13         mask_file = mask_temp.format(contrast=contrast,
     14                                      hemi=hemi, subj=subj)
---> 15         add_mask_overlay(b, mask_file)
     17         if plot_contrast:

<ipython-input-9-b2144f390c37> in add_mask_overlay(b, mask_file)
      1 def add_mask_overlay(b, mask_file):
      2     """Gray-out vertices outside of the common-space mask."""
----> 3     mask_data = nib.load(mask_file).get_data()
      5     # Plot the mask

/Users/steph-backup/.local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/nibabel/loadsave.pyc in load(filename, **kwargs)
     42        Image of guessed type
     43     '''
---> 44     return guessed_image_type(filename).from_filename(filename, **kwargs)

/Users/steph-backup/.local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/nibabel/keywordonly.pyc in wrapper(*args, **kwargs)
     14                     '{0} takes at most {1} positional argument{2}'.format(
     15                         func.__name__, n, 's' if n > 1 else ''))
---> 16             return func(*args, **kwargs)
     17         return wrapper
     18     return decorator

/Users/steph-backup/.local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/nibabel/freesurfer/mghformat.pyc in from_filename(klass, filename, mmap)
    526             raise ValueError("mmap should be one of {True, False, 'c', 'r'}")
    527         file_map = klass.filespec_to_file_map(filename)
--> 528         return klass.from_file_map(file_map, mmap=mmap)
    530     load = from_filename

/Users/steph-backup/.local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/nibabel/keywordonly.pyc in wrapper(*args, **kwargs)
     14                     '{0} takes at most {1} positional argument{2}'.format(
     15                         func.__name__, n, 's' if n > 1 else ''))
---> 16             return func(*args, **kwargs)
     17         return wrapper
     18     return decorator

/Users/steph-backup/.local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/nibabel/freesurfer/mghformat.pyc in from_file_map(klass, file_map, mmap)
    491         if not mmap in (True, False, 'c', 'r'):
    492             raise ValueError("mmap should be one of {True, False, 'c', 'r'}")
--> 493         mghf = file_map['image'].get_prepare_fileobj('rb')
    494         header = klass.header_class.from_fileobj(mghf)
    495         affine = header.get_affine()

/Users/steph-backup/.local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/nibabel/fileholders.pyc in get_prepare_fileobj(self, *args, **kwargs)
     67             obj.seek(self.pos)
     68         elif self.filename is not None:
---> 69             obj = BinOpener(self.filename, *args, **kwargs)
     70             if self.pos != 0:
     71                 obj.seek(self.pos)

/Users/steph-backup/.local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/nibabel/openers.pyc in __init__(self, fileish, *args, **kwargs)
     72         if 'compresslevel' in arg_names and 'compresslevel' not in kwargs:
     73             kwargs['compresslevel'] = self.default_compresslevel
---> 74         self.fobj = opener(fileish, *args, **kwargs)
     75         self._name = fileish
     76         self.me_opened = True

IOError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/Users/steph-backup/Experiments/ObjFam/scripts/analysis/objfam-studyrep_hpf256/group/fsaverage/hit-miss/lh/mask.mgh'

In [67]:
png_file = png_label_temp.format(contrast=contrast, hemi=hemi, subj=subj, label=label)


IOError                                   Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-67-cd58e310fb65> in <module>()
      1 png_file = png_label_temp.format(contrast='', hemi=hemi, subj=subj, label=label)
----> 3 b.save_image(png_file)

/Users/steph-backup/anaconda/lib/python2.7/site-packages/surfer/viz.pyc in save_image(self, filename)
   1750         script plotting commands.
   1751         """
-> 1752         misc.imsave(filename, self.screenshot())
   1754     def screenshot(self, mode='rgb', antialiased=False):

/Users/steph-backup/anaconda/lib/python2.7/site-packages/scipy/misc/pilutil.pyc in imsave(name, arr, format)
    166     im = toimage(arr)
    167     if format is None:
--> 168         im.save(name)
    169     else:
    170         im.save(name, format)

/Users/steph-backup/anaconda/lib/python2.7/site-packages/PIL/Image.pyc in save(self, fp, format, **params)
   1431         if isStringType(fp):
   1432             import __builtin__
-> 1433             fp = __builtin__.open(fp, "wb")
   1434             close = 1
   1435         else:

IOError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/Users/steph-backup/Experiments/ObjFam/scripts/analysis/objfam-submem/group/fsaverage//lh/osgm/zstat_threshold_17Networks_5.png'

Display ALE map with statistical overlay

In [111]:
roi_file = '/Users/steph-backup/Experiments/ObjFam/data/fsaverage/masks/topdown_ALE_pN05_fslMNI.nii.gz'
roi = 'topdown_ALE_pN05'
alpha = 0.4
rot = dict(azimuth=-134, elevation=82)
hemi = 'lh'
contrast = '1_old'
# contrast = 'linear-study'
# colormap = 'PuBuGn_r'
colormap = 'Greens_r'
# colormap=['darkgreen', 'darkgreen']

b, stat_data, roi_data = plot_roi(subj, roi_file, mask_temp, alpha, 0.00001, colormap,
                                  args, viewpoints, hemi, contrast, 

# roi_file = '/Users/steph-backup/Experiments/ObjFam/data/fsaverage/masks/topdownALEventral_fslMNI_thresh.nii.gz'
# colormap=['lawngreen', 'lawngreen']
# b, stat_data, roi_data = plot_roi(subj, roi_file, mask_temp, alpha, 0.001, colormap,
#                                   args, viewpoints, hemi, contrast, 
#                                   plot_contrast=False, b=b)

coords = [[-25.1, -61.07,51.19],

b.add_foci(coords, map_surface="white", color="white", scale_factor=.5, alpha=1)

mri_vol2surf --mov /Users/steph-backup/Experiments/ObjFam/data/fsaverage/masks/topdown_ALE_pN05_fslMNI.nii.gz --hemi lh --surf white --reg /Applications/freesurfer/average/mni152.register.dat --projfrac-avg 0 1 0.1 --surf-fwhm 3 --o /var/folders/xp/71y4c8j51293syxqsgb7qsz40000gp/T/pysurfer-v2sBIagl4.mgz
INFO:surfer:mri_vol2surf --mov /Users/steph-backup/Experiments/ObjFam/data/fsaverage/masks/topdown_ALE_pN05_fslMNI.nii.gz --hemi lh --surf white --reg /Applications/freesurfer/average/mni152.register.dat --projfrac-avg 0 1 0.1 --surf-fwhm 3 --o /var/folders/xp/71y4c8j51293syxqsgb7qsz40000gp/T/pysurfer-v2sBIagl4.mgz

In [112]:
png_file = png_roi_temp.format(contrast=contrast, hemi=hemi, subj=subj, roi=roi)
print png_file
png_file = '/Users/steph-backup/Dropbox/Experiments/ObjFam/alemap_foci.png'


Yeo Labels

In [ ]:
label_atten = '17Networks_5'; color = 'dodgerblue'
label_medialpar = '17Networks_11'; color = 'mediumseagreen'
label_frontoparietal = '17Networks_12'; color = 'purple'
label_default = '17Networks_16'; color = 'cornflowerblue'

In [ ]:

Plot on subject brain

In [81]:
brain = Brain('subj03', 'lh', "inflated", views=dict(azimuth=-134, elevation=82),

mri_file = "/Users/steph-backup/Experiments/ObjFam/data/subj03/masks/lh.17Networks_5_SPL.nii.gz"
reg_file = "/Users/steph-backup/Experiments/ObjFam/scripts/analysis/objfam/subj03/preproc/run_1/func2anat_tkreg.dat"
surf_data_hemi = io.project_volume_data(mri_file, "lh", reg_file=reg_file)
brain.add_data(surf_data_hemi, hemi='lh', colorbar=False, min=0, max=1, colormap=['darkorchid', 'darkorchid'], thresh=.1, alpha=.7)

mri_file = "/Users/steph-backup/Experiments/ObjFam/data/subj03/masks/lh.17Networks_5_LO.nii.gz"
reg_file = "/Users/steph-backup/Experiments/ObjFam/scripts/analysis/objfam/subj03/preproc/run_1/func2anat_tkreg.dat"
surf_data_hemi = io.project_volume_data(mri_file, "lh", reg_file=reg_file)
brain.add_data(surf_data_hemi, hemi='lh', colorbar=False, min=0, max=1, colormap=['deeppink', 'deeppink'], thresh=.1, alpha=.7)

png_file = '/Users/steph-backup/Dropbox/Experiments/ObjFam/17Networks_5_SPL_LO.png'

mri_vol2surf --mov /Users/steph-backup/Experiments/ObjFam/data/subj03/masks/lh.17Networks_5_SPL.nii.gz --hemi lh --surf white --reg /Users/steph-backup/Experiments/ObjFam/scripts/analysis/objfam/subj03/preproc/run_1/func2anat_tkreg.dat --projfrac-avg 0 1 0.1 --surf-fwhm 3 --o /var/folders/xp/71y4c8j51293syxqsgb7qsz40000gp/T/pysurfer-v2sOyKGmy.mgz
INFO:surfer:mri_vol2surf --mov /Users/steph-backup/Experiments/ObjFam/data/subj03/masks/lh.17Networks_5_SPL.nii.gz --hemi lh --surf white --reg /Users/steph-backup/Experiments/ObjFam/scripts/analysis/objfam/subj03/preproc/run_1/func2anat_tkreg.dat --projfrac-avg 0 1 0.1 --surf-fwhm 3 --o /var/folders/xp/71y4c8j51293syxqsgb7qsz40000gp/T/pysurfer-v2sOyKGmy.mgz
mri_vol2surf --mov /Users/steph-backup/Experiments/ObjFam/data/subj03/masks/lh.17Networks_5_LO.nii.gz --hemi lh --surf white --reg /Users/steph-backup/Experiments/ObjFam/scripts/analysis/objfam/subj03/preproc/run_1/func2anat_tkreg.dat --projfrac-avg 0 1 0.1 --surf-fwhm 3 --o /var/folders/xp/71y4c8j51293syxqsgb7qsz40000gp/T/pysurfer-v2sIt5AGB.mgz
INFO:surfer:mri_vol2surf --mov /Users/steph-backup/Experiments/ObjFam/data/subj03/masks/lh.17Networks_5_LO.nii.gz --hemi lh --surf white --reg /Users/steph-backup/Experiments/ObjFam/scripts/analysis/objfam/subj03/preproc/run_1/func2anat_tkreg.dat --projfrac-avg 0 1 0.1 --surf-fwhm 3 --o /var/folders/xp/71y4c8j51293syxqsgb7qsz40000gp/T/pysurfer-v2sIt5AGB.mgz

In [ ]: